It turns out that a 250 mile radius from our little village covers a good portion of New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and a tiny sliver of Canada and Pennsylvania. I wouldn't say we struggled to remain local, though sometimes we forgot and splurged on something silly like bananas (the only thing our one year old would eat for breakfast for a while). Still, I would say that our menu was able to be incredibly varied including locally raised beef and turkey, produce, honey and maple syrup, and a delicious box of wine that lasted us for the entire month! Supplementing what we already do with new experiences, made this a big success; and it has forever changed the way we eat and think about food.
Things we already do:
- make our own yogurt
- compost our kitchen scraps
- members of our local co-op
- shop road side garden stands and farmers' market(s)
- buy locally raised beef and other meats
- shop local bakeries
Things we added to our regular food routine:
- reading books and articles about food production
- watching films about food business
- processing apples and other produce to freeze and use later
- joined One Million Against Monsanto
- joined a winter CSA (saving for a summer CSA)
- Grew our own pumpkin ( just grew in our compost pile)
- wrote letters to our Senators and Representatives re food issues
- enjoyed a box of local wine for the entire month
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